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How Low Can Vehicle Emissions Go with Renewable Propane

- Todd Mouw, ROUSH CleanTech

Produced from raw and renewable materials, renewable propane has a lower carbon intensity than conventional propane.

As the number of vehicles that operate on propane autogas increases, a “new” yet similar fuel that reaches near-zero-emissions is coming into play. That fuel is renewable propane. Many experts predict the entire worldwide demand can be met with renewable propane in 20 years.

Why Renewable Propane?

Renewable propane is a non-fossil fuel produced from 100% renewable raw materials, such as beef fats, vegetable oils, grease residue, and other biomass feedstocks that are inexpensive and abundant. Sometimes referred to as “biopropane,” renewable propane has the same benefits as conventional propane autogas, which has been used for over a century as a transportation fuel and to fuel our home heaters and backyard grills.

Both propane types reduce emissions, cut costs, and provide fleets with the same vehicle performance and reliability. Simply put, the chemical structure and physical properties of renewable and conventional propane are the same — they just come from different

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